Peperomia galioides Kunth has been proposed as a variety of Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (Pino, 2010). As long as results of molecular research or interbreeding experiments are lacking, it is usually a matter of personal appreciation whether morphological differences are important enough to consider two entities as different species or rather as varieties. Another question is whether this personal appreciation justifies a possibly ‘disadvantageous nomenclatural change’. The proposed variety would make the name outdated. The name is widely used for almost two centuries in dozens of publications and on thousands of collection labels and in the last decades it has been the subject of several studies because of its therapeutic components. For the sake of nomenclatural stability and as long as no additional proof supports the proposed varietal rank, it is unclear whether the botanical community is willing to adopt the latter. For the time being, P. galioides is still considered here as a distinct species.