Peperomia deppeana differs from Peperomia berlandieri in the vegetative as well as in the inflorescence characters. P. berlandieri shows leaves without glandular dots and with a narrowly emarginate apex, only the apical notch being ciliate. The peduncles are similarly hirtellous as the stems. The rachis is distincly hispid and the floral bracts show an undulate margin. Fruits have a long style. In P. deppeana the leaves are widely emarginate and up to half the margin is ciliate, the ciliae extending on the upper leaf surface. The trichomes of the peduncles are about three times as long as those of the stems. The rachis does not exhibit trichomes, only minute papillae, and the margins of the floral bracts are deeply indented, almost fimbriate. The fruit shows a short style [Mathieu, 2007]..